Then he rides back to Texas, saying that he has knocked over the hive but that others must take care of the bees
Knocking over hives is something Gaga has been doing since her beginning. From her bloody VMA performance to her rumored member to her openly bisexual lifestyle, she has mastered the art of shock. However, it is not the kind of shock Illuminati theorist would have you to believe it is, but rather it is a kind of shock that is delivered with the intention of rising above the boundaries that organize society to create a path that takes her listeners to a place where they can be themselves without fear.
As the corrido has shown us, while the majority of corrido ballads are sung by average everyday folks, it takes a person of superhuman-like qualities to skyrocket the corrido into fame and significance. Much like Chalino Sanchez, Gaga has been infused with superhuman characteristics. In her image, we can see a fiction unfolding that has been bolstered by her and her fans to instill her character with ambivalence and myth. A quality that gives her the ability to be whatever her fans need her to be at any given moment.
For a generation that finds itself situated and defined by a culture of fakeness, Gaga provides a way for them to be more than drones, a way for them to "take care of the bees." Instead of remaining trapped in the fake, Gaga shows her fans how to utilize the fake to address real problems that plague society.
As she states in Frank Talk With Lady Gaga by Ann Powers, "If you're on an island, stranded, and all you have is sticks and leaves and pineapples, you're gonna make a boat out of sticks and leaves and pineapples... I view glamour and celebrity life and these plastic assumptions as the pineapples. And I spend my career harvesting pineapples, and making pies and outfits and lipsticks that will free my fans from their stranded islands."